Fractal Backgrounds

Fractal Background 01

Fractal Background 02

Fractal Background 03

Fractal Background 04

Fractal Background 05

Fractal Background 06

Fractal Background 07

Fractal Background 08

Fractal Background 09

Fractal Background 10

It’s Fractal Friday. Everyone seems to be loving the Fractal backgrounds, so here are 10 more. Our designers wheeled out a fractal tool they hadn’t used for a while, dusted it down and then let it loose on this post. That’s why these fractals look a whole lot different to these fractals.

Personally, I prefer the darker ones, but there you go; everybody’s different. Also, depending on the kind of presentation you’ll be delivering, either of the darker or the lighter ones might be more appropriate.

As is de rigueur with our fractal offerings, these backgrounds aren’t inserted into PowerPoint templates (like we do with our other backgrounds), because, well, we couldn’t be bothered. So, click on an image to open up the full size version, right click on it and select “save as” to save it to your computer. But remember kids: you’re not allowed to republish our artwork on other websites, or sell it.

Get ready for more fabulous fractal backgrounds (all original) next Friday.