New Batch Of PowerPoint Backgrounds

PowerPoint Background 1

PowerPoint Background 2

PowerPoint Background 3

PowerPoint Background 4

PowerPoint Background 5

Check out our new batch of five free PowerPoint backgrounds. “Five?”, I hear you say. I know. You’re used to us publishing batches of 10 or more backgrounds for you to download for free, and all our designers can muster is a measly collection of five. But don’t worry, they have all been grounded, with limited access to the communal Wii. Hopefully they’ll learn their lesson and make up for their slacking with a monumental selection of PowerPoint backgrounds next time.

Otherwise it’s the pliers.

As usual, open up each PowerPoint template by clicking on its image above. You can then save it to your PC and amend it to fit the needs of your presentations. And, of course, they’re all FREE!

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