Tiled Floor PowerPoint Backgrounds

Tiled Floor PowerPoint Background 1

Tiled Floor PowerPoint Background 2

Tiled Floor PowerPoint Background 3

Tiled Floor PowerPoint Background 4

Tiled Floor PowerPoint Background 5

Tiled Floor PowerPoint Background 6

Whoah – check out these ultra realistic 3d PowerPoint backgrounds! They look good enough to eat. If you are a ravenous robot or something, that is. What a splendid mix of colour, shininess and reflections. Our designers really got their creative hats on to produce this latest batch of backgrounds.

In fact, we liked them so much that we used one for our PowerPoint Backgrounds Facebook page.

Do you recognise the background in the images? Thought you might; it’s your road! And you can look forward to upcoming backgrounds that feature your kitchen, attic and bathroom.

We’ve only published 6 backgrounds, when we usually publish 12, but we think that these are precisely twice as good as the norm.

Find one you like and then open it up in PowerPoint by clicking on the image. Save it to your computer by clicking ctrl + s and from there you can make your changes and ensure that they are saved. Hey presto, you are ready to engage your audience in your next PowerPoint presentation.

Chrome Ball PowerPoint Backgrounds

Chrome Ball PowerPoint Background 1

Chrome Ball PowerPoint Background 2

Chrome Ball PowerPoint Background 3

Chrome Ball PowerPoint Background 4

Chrome Ball PowerPoint Background 5

Woah! Just look at these! If you like shiny and if you like chrome, then you’ll love these shiny chrome ball PowerPoint backgrounds. They’re so realistic.

That’s because they’re real.

The second background shows a vampire shiny chrome ball, or something, for obvious reasons.

If you like the look of a background, click on it and it will open up the template in PowerPoint with that background already applied. It doesn’t get any easier than this! You can then change your presentation how you see fit (not forgetting to save it to your PC first), and use it over and over again.