Whaddya mean the London 2012 Olympics is only a blink away and you have no 2012 Olympics PowerPoint backgrounds?! It’s a good job we stopped by with this shed load of Olympic rings backgrounds for you, then. Hurry up and download them so you can impress your athletic presentation attendees.
Our esteemed designers really are something special. Half way through their design work, one bright spark had the inspirational idea of including the Union Jack as a background to the Olympic rings. A brainwave or what? So, half of these PowerPoint background are on a plain white background and the other half have the British flag in the background. Use whichever ones you feel will have the greatest impact on your discerning audience.
Click on the images you like to open up the templates in PowerPoint, and then save them to your PC. Alternatively, just right click and select Save As to save them directly to your computer. Then have a look around: browse our huge – and growing – collection of PowerPoint backgrounds.
The same bright spark who thought of using the Union Jack in our backgrounds has just suggested that you might like to download the images “as is”; that is, without being already embedded in a PowerPoint presentation. I suggested that he might like to boil his head, but what the hell – maybe he’s right. So… download the Olympic Rings backgound images. They’re all zipped up (12 of them) so you should right click on the link, save the zipped file to your PC, and then use a tool like 7-zip to extract them. The file is around 5MB, so it may take a little time to download, depending on how fast your internet connection is.